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OpenSeadragon 5.0.0

Creating Zooming Images

OpenSeadragon works with a variety of zooming image formats. These zooming images generally consist of a number of individual tiles, organized so they can be accessed as needed. If you have a large image you'd like to zoom, you'll need to convert it first. There are a number of conversion options depending on your needs.

Probably the easiest is to use a service like Zoomable or ZoomHub.

If you'd rather convert the images yourself (either locally or on your server), VIPS may be your best option; it's fast, robust, and compatible with many systems.


Deepzoom PHP DZI
deepzoom Perl utility DZI Python DZI
DZT an image slicing library and tool written in Ruby DZI
Gmap Uploader Tiler C++ DZI
MagickSlicer shell script (Linux/Mac) DZI
Node.js Deep Zoom Tools Node.js, under construction DZI
PHP Deep Zoom Tools PHP DZI
PyramidIO Java (command line and library) DZI
Sharp Node.js, uses VIPS DZI
VIPS command line tool and library for a number of languages DZI via the dzsave feature
Zoomable service (free and premium), offers embeds; API available; Image and Viewer generators for Wordpress, Photoshop and Image Composite Editor are available. DZI
ZoomHub service (free for personal use): offers embeds and developer API DZI


Cantaloupe Server IIIF
IIIFHosting Service, image hosting IIIF
IIPImage Server IIIF
Kakadu C++ library to encode or decode JPEG 2000 images

example of a batch convert script: (Diva.js project)
(requires a IIIF-compliant image server with JPEG 2000 support, like Loris; see also for more details)
Micrio Service (cloud-based tiling & hosting), offers embeds IIIF


GDAL2tiles Python TMS
MapTiler desktop app for Windows, Mac, Linux TMS


Zoomify App Free proprietary desktop app for Windows and Mac Zoomify
Zoomify Image Python Zoomify
Zoomify Library PHP, free standalone script or integrated in the open source digital library Omeka S via the module IIIF Server Zoomify
Zoomify Plugin Free proprietary export plugin for Photoshop Zoomify
Dataflow-zoomify-image Free Google Cloud Dataflow template allowing large amounts of images to be processed in parallel Zoomify

If none of these options meet your needs, you can create your own tile-generating tool. See this page for more information on the DZI format.